Posted in Parenting

Could Minecraft Change the World?

Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you! I’m back today and I’m talking about my boys and their obsession with Minecraft.

When they first became obsessed with this game, I was concerned. They could play for hours if I let them. Of course, I didn’t most of the time anyway. 🙂 Even though I’ve limited the amount of time they could play, I began to notice something, and that was how proficient they were on the computer.

It amazed me that they were able to do some basic tasks like copy and pasting, uploading files, and deleting them. I realized they were learning basic computer skills while playing this game. In my opinion, dealing with computers is the future for our kids. If they’re comfortable with them they’ll have a skill that’s in demand when they’re out searching for a job.

Also, the Minecraft game itself is similar to my husband’s home building software that he uses when he gets an idea for our next house. He wants to build and he’s always drawing up computer generated plans to compare to see which layout we like the best. It’s fun and we’re able to dream. 🙂

When my kids are playing Minecraft, they’re building all kinds of structures. Similar to my husband’s house building software and it’s such an awesome thing to see them working together, sharing their ideas with each other, and problem solving together.

They can even get on the server and play with other kids from all over the world. Isn’t that amazing? Wouldn’t it be funny if Minecraft and other interactive games solved the cultural barriers that we now have? Imagine it…video games solve problems that the United Nations couldn’t solve. I know it’s a big leap, but maybe an accurate one.

Just imagine my son becoming friends with someone in Iran as a result of Minecraft. They continue their friendship and when  my son becomes President of the United States 😉 and his friend becomes President of Iran; they solve world problems because they learned to work together solving problems on a video game. They already trust each other. It could change the political process completely. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

I know, I’m making a huge leap, but I can do that. I’m an author! 🙂

Thanks for reading my post today! I’d love to read your thoughts, so please share them and leave a comment!


I'm a Young Adult Author with two new series, "The Starlight Chronicles" and "The Super Spies." The first one's a coming of age series and the second one's a mystery/thriller series. I'm also the mother of two boys who keep me hopping and they're my inspiration for everything. When I'm not shuttling my boys to school or a play date, I'm writing. When I'm not writing, I'm reading, hiking, or sometimes running. I love anything chocolate and scary movies too.

6 thoughts on “Could Minecraft Change the World?

  1. Good post, Lisa. My son loved to play Sims growing up. There was Sims City, Sims Amusement park and so on. He built worlds and skills at the same time. He’s now an engineer, and somehow I bet those video games helped. It would be nice to see the future as you envision it. Cheers!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Sharon! Wouldn’t it be awesome if Minecraft could change the world and make things better, or should I say the internet? We’re able to communicate with people all over the world. It seems we’d be a little bit closer to world peace, don’t you think? But as my hubby always says, where there are angry young men, there will always be war. I have a feeling he’s right. Boo!

  2. Yes, I think that Minecraft will definitely change the world. Although, I’m glad that the world isn’t in the same pixelated look as the game… 🙂

    1. LOL! I agree ProteanMom! My hubby and I were just talking about that. How we wished it were a little more realistic in appearance, but hey that’s so minor compared to what it’s teaching the kids that we’re okay with it. 🙂

  3. Both of my boys (10 and 12) have expressed interest in engineering and architecture, and I think a lot of it is from Minecraft. It’s amazing what even young children can creates. But yes, you do have to monitor or they will stay on forever!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Sarah. That’s interesting that both your boys are interested in engineering and architecture. I have a feeling that my boys will be interested in those fields as well. They love this game! And it’s wonderful to see them working together to figure something out or solve a problem. 🙂

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