Posted in pandemic, raising kids, Teen

Your Teen and Pandemic Stress

Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. I’m back today after a busy week at work and writing. I’ve started the dreaded treadmill season where I run on the treadmill instead of going outside. I’ve finally adjusted to this even though I still struggle with motivation.

But on a positive note, I had my blood work done and my numbers look much better than they did last year. So, I’ve accomplished my goal. I’ve improved my health. 😊

Enough about that, though. Today, I’d like to talk about helping your teen deal with the stress and anxiety brought about because of the pandemic. It’s a tough time for them. They can’t socialize like normal and their activities have become severely limited. I bring this up today because we had a fourteen-year-old boy commit suicide in our state during a zoom meeting with his classmates. No one saw this coming. None of his classmates or his parents.

Now more than ever, kids need to feel connected to their families. This is a good time to do forced family fun nights. We spend time either playing Uno or watching The Office. I know. It can get kind of raunchy, but there’s some quality stuff in the show as well. For example, when Jim and Pam went to couples counseling and illustrated how to communicate with your spouse. That was brilliant. Kids need to learn how to handle conflict and how to express their needs. I loved that about that episode.

The show also brings diversity to the forefront with the gay character of Oscar. I think this is important to show how to accept people who are different from us. It’s also funny. The different personalities of the characters are taken to the extreme to show how we can all get along using humor and sarcasm as a way of deflecting negativity.

Another way kids can deal with this stress is video games. I know. I know. I’ve heard all the negatives about video games, but in this time of no activities and no school there is still a way to connect with their friends. They can connect through their games. I like this because my boys can stay safe and still have a little bit of social interaction. They can do this without getting on social media. You still must take precautions. I advise them to not share any personal information with anyone online, but for the most part they play games with kids they hang out with in school, so it’s working. They can connect and stay safe at the same time.

I also encourage them to get outside for at least an hour a day. It’s harder to do now that it’s gotten cold, but they do get out and get fresh air and exercise. One of my boys has gotten into weightlifting and another has started running on the treadmill. Exercise is another healthy way to deal with stress, and it helps that both hubby and I run. We are modeling the behavior we want them to engage in. So, not only are we talking the talk, but we’re walking the walk also.

So, there you have it. Some ways to help your teens deal with the stress of isolation. How about you? Do you have any ideas? Leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you!


I'm a Young Adult Author with two new series, "The Starlight Chronicles" and "The Super Spies." The first one's a coming of age series and the second one's a mystery/thriller series. I'm also the mother of two boys who keep me hopping and they're my inspiration for everything. When I'm not shuttling my boys to school or a play date, I'm writing. When I'm not writing, I'm reading, hiking, or sometimes running. I love anything chocolate and scary movies too.

9 thoughts on “Your Teen and Pandemic Stress

  1. That’s such an awful thing to have happen–that poor child. My own isn’t a teen anymore but still feels the pandemic stress–I’m so happy she’s at home with us instead of isolated!

    1. Yes, it was awful. It makes me feel so bad when a teen does this, because there are so many ways to get help. I’m glad your child is home with you instead of isolated. I think that helps tremendously during this pandemic. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. 🙂

  2. This Covid nightmare has been hard on my daughter but the kid is more resilient than her old man, that’s for sure.

    She’s put her focus on projects that matter to her and that’s inspired me as well.

    Great post, Lisa.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I’m glad she is doing something positive and focusing on projects. That’s a good mental attitude for her to have and it will get her far in life. Isn’t wild how we’re the adults and we learn from our kids? I have learned so much from my boys and I hope they feel like they’ve learned from me as well. ❤

  3. Congrats on hitting your health goal, Lisa! So happy for you! I agree with you on the video games, but time them. Movie nights are fun too, especially with all the holiday movies coming out. It’s been a tough year for us all, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel! Hugs and be well, girlfriend!

  4. The social isolation is very real–and so sad. Good for you, coming up with ways to get your teens the connection they need. We’ve been thankful for our little village and neighbors who have nice fire pits who invite us over! I read in an article on NYT Parenting that teens are really missing out on physical interaction, which they usually get from “flopping” all over their friends. The psychologist suggested parents take some time to hug their kids extra right now. I remember she said, “don’t make it weird.” Ha! So, I’ve been hugging my tweens extra often–easy to do!

    1. Oh my gosh! I’ve been giving them extra hugs only because I think they still need them. Thank you for sharing that with me. I appreciate it. I’ll increase my hugs even more now. LOL! I’ve also increased our family movie time and I think this helps because my boys flop all over each other when we do it. LOL! Thank again for sharing your info. It reinforces what I’ve been doing. ❤ ❤

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