Posted in Slice of LIfe, Writing

Consider the Hammer: A Slice of Life Post


Write. Share. Give.


Hello everyone! I hope all is well with you. I’ve been busy with family events this last weekend. My cousin got married! Yea! It was a beautiful ceremony, filled with tears and laughter. Aren’t those the best kind?  So today, for my Slice of Life Post, I thought I’d share a poem with you. Something fun and quick that makes me think of the writing process.. I didn’t write this poem and I’m not sure who did, but it does hit the nail on the head! 😉 Pun intended!


Consider the Hammer
Poet: Unknown

Photo credit: James Bowe via Visualhunt / CC BY

Consider the hammer –

It keeps its head.
It doesn’t fly off the handle.
It keeps pounding away.
It finds the point,
then drives it home.

It looks at the other side, too,
and thus often clinches the matter.
It makes mistakes, but when it does,
it starts all over.
It is the only knocker in the world
That does any good.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my post.If you’d like to read other Slice of Life Posts, click here.



I'm a Young Adult Author with two new series, "The Starlight Chronicles" and "The Super Spies." The first one's a coming of age series and the second one's a mystery/thriller series. I'm also the mother of two boys who keep me hopping and they're my inspiration for everything. When I'm not shuttling my boys to school or a play date, I'm writing. When I'm not writing, I'm reading, hiking, or sometimes running. I love anything chocolate and scary movies too.

33 thoughts on “Consider the Hammer: A Slice of Life Post

    1. Oh my gosh! I love that! I’m going to remember that and have my kids get one for my hubby! I’m writing that one down. Thanks for sharing, Bernadette!

  1. “It’s the only knocker in the wood that does any good” I love that line.
    Our assistant principal was called “the hammer” but he did a world of good for our kids.

  2. Love the metaphors in this poem, Lisa! Cheers for sharing. You hit the nail…well, you know! Wink!

  3. I like unusual pairings, like your hammer to writing! I will have to remember this to spur my students’ creative thinking this school year.

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