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Tribute to Monique O’Connor James

Hello everyone. I hope all is well with you. I would like to celebrate an author friend who has passed away over the weekend. Our paths crossed because we were both published through the same publishing house for our books. That publisher was Astraea Press. This publisher has a facebook group and many of us authors get on-line to chat, share marketing information, or ask for advice. Monique always had something fun to share and she always offered great advice. So today this post is a tribute to her. 🙂


Image of Monique O'Connor James

The most important people in Monique’s life were her family, but this beloved author didn’t stop there. She was always there for friends, acquaintances, fans, other writers. She gave of herself through her writing, through helping others with their writing, through just listening and offering a shoulder to cry on.

Please join us in honoring Monique O’Connor James. She was a talented author, wife, mother, and friend, and the world is short an angel walking among us with her passing. We invite you to share your favorite Monique O’Connor James book(s) and/or your favorite Monique Moment to pay tribute to her. If you coul also add the link to raise money for her children and funeral expenses, that would be wonderful:


Thanks so much for stopping by and reading our tribute to Monique. Here are a few of her books.


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