Posted in Writing

Handling Rejection


Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. I’m back today after another busy week at work, and the bustle of starting another school year. We had a few hiccups, but we’ve worked them out, and the boys are settling in to online learning. I’ve also been working on my writing and my story is coming together. This one is flowing and I’m hoping to have it done by the end of the year. Fingers crossed. 😊


Girl Writing on the Sofa


But enough about that. Today, I’d like to talk about handling rejection. Rejection is hard to take no matter what the circumstances are. In the writing world, it’s especially hard because all the time and energy you put into your story has to be reflected in a query letter and a few sample pages. It makes it tough if that letter and pages don’t hook the agent, and it is so subjective.


no, cancellation, rejection

I’ve queried agents who have given me a rejection plus some feedback. This is like a nugget of gold. They’ve told me why my pages didn’t draw them in. It’s a learning process and I learn from each one. I haven’t received a form rejection in quite some time, so I’ve got that going for me. 😉


The way I handle rejection is by reminding myself that by receiving the said rejection is getting me one step closer to an acceptance. That’s all it is, a stepping stone to the right agent. So, that’s the attitude I have when I get a rejection and I feel it’s a positive one.


acceptance, tolerance, town sign


When you write, you need to be open to criticism and to revising your story. I know it’s hard to kill your darlings, but we want our story to not only land agent, but to sell when it’s published. So, take that rejection on the chin, rise, and brush yourself off.  Make those revisions and be the amazing author I know you can be. You’ve got this.


How do you handle rejection? Leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you!


I'm a Young Adult Author with two new series, "The Starlight Chronicles" and "The Super Spies." The first one's a coming of age series and the second one's a mystery/thriller series. I'm also the mother of two boys who keep me hopping and they're my inspiration for everything. When I'm not shuttling my boys to school or a play date, I'm writing. When I'm not writing, I'm reading, hiking, or sometimes running. I love anything chocolate and scary movies too.

25 thoughts on “Handling Rejection

    1. Yes, it is very personal and you’re right it has to be done kindly and constructively. It’s hard to appreciate it until we get that acceptance. So, I hear you on the eventually, too. 🙂

  1. “The way I handle rejection is by reminding myself that by receiving the said rejection is getting me one step closer to an acceptance. ” I really loved what you said here. I haven’t ever thought about it this way!

  2. I’ve learned that rejection gives you the perseverance to move forward and follow your dreams. Yes, learn from those golden nuggets, then toughen your skin, and keep querying! I haven’t had to send in a query for a long time now that I’m with a publisher, but those rejections got me to where I am now, so I feel blessed! Great post, Lisa! All the best finding an agent. I may look for one too when I’m ready. Hugs!

  3. Great advice. I treat rejections like I do new clothes in the closet: one in, one out. I get a rejection, I quickly send out a new query. It feels like a revolving door, that way, and not something for me to stew or get sentimental over (though, admittedly, it’s sometimes disappointing).

    1. Yes, it is. But when you look at it as you’re one step closer to that acceptance, it’s easier to swallow. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, Rebecca! I appreciate your support!

  4. I don’t enjoy getting rejected but I always remember that there are so many writers and only so many publications–it’s not always going to be a good fit. I don’t have an agent–not sure why you need one. Can’t you submit your book to publishers that accept unsolicited manuscripts?

      1. I hope I didn’t offend you. I don’t know who your publisher is. I am also published with a small publisher and I really like them, but a larger publisher will help with marketing and getting the book out there. Please don’t be offended by my comment. That wasn’t my intention. 🙂

      2. No, not at all! I completely understand what you’re saying—the marketing is so important and a bigger publisher can reach more markets. (My publisher is Bookland Press here in Ontario). But you absolutely did not offend me—I love your blog❤️

  5. great post, Lisa. rejection is sneaky in terms of how it affects me. one minute I’ll think, “I’ve got this” (thanks for the encouragement by the way), the next I’m thinking how I don’t feel like doing it anymore & it may take me a while to see that I’m just reacting…

    1. I hear you. It depends on how I’m feeling about myself when I get rejected. Sometimes, I’m feeling pretty good. so the rejection rolls off my back. Other times, I take it to heart and it can send me into a funk, but either way, it does bring me closer to that acceptance. And you only need one, right? 😉

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